Construction realization

Ensuring turnkey construction, reconstruction or adaptation of existing premises. We cooperate with local companies and subcontractors in terms of achieving the basic goal, and thus the client's satisfaction, which we complete with three essential parts in the implementation, i. meeting deadlines, precise quality and experience.

Dry construction

V rámci suchej výstavby ponúkame realizáciu sádrokartónových prác a to najmä sádrokartónových stropov a stien.

Dry construction

As part of dry construction, we mainly offer the implementation of plasterboard work, especially plasterboard ceilings and walls.

floor treatment

Floor finishes include
leveling, screeds, laying tiles, parquet, carpets, PVC and vinyl.

Surface treatment
walls and ceilings

Patria sem napríklad obklady, omietky, maľby, nátery a iné.

Surface treatment
walls and ceilings

These include, for example, tiles, plasters, paintings, coatings, decorative plasters and others.

Ventilation and air conditioning

Supply and installation of air conditioning, air conditioning and heating.

Locksmith work

The locksmith work mainly includes the assembly of steel and glass walls and elements

Locksmith work

The locksmith work mainly includes the assembly of steel and glass walls and elements

Sanitary engineering

Supply and installation of internal water distribution and sewerage, concealed systems, heating, assembly of equipment.


Realizácia silnoprúdu a slaboprúdu


  • Power supply and installation, i. cabling, switchboard production, assembly
  • Low current supply and installation, i. structured cabling, switchboard production, assembly
  • Camera and security systems
  • Sound
  • Electronic protection of goods